Chemical indicators for quality of water in areas producing molluscs and other invertebrates

Chemical indicators for quality of water in areas producing molluscs and other invertebrates EU directive 2000/60/EC establishes a European framework for the protection and control of pollution in continental surface, transitional, coastal and underground waters. Mussels filter water and concentrate in their own body (above all in their branchiae and tissue) all dissolved substances in the water. This bio-accumulative capacity allows us to determine the levels of heavy metals (Cd, Hg, Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cr, As, Se), organic components (DDT, DDE, DDD, PCBs, HAP) and dioxins, substances that are difficult to determine since they appear in low levels in the marine environment and yet are harmful to human health.


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Principal Investigator: 
Salud Deudero
Other investigators
Toni Grau
J. Tintoré