Coastal circulation to the south of the Balearics: ARGO buoy


ARGO is a scientific project supported by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the International Council for Science (ICSU). This project provides a new source of data on the depth of the ocean, and comprises a large-scale global network of 3000 buoys registering profiles of the upper 2000 metres of the ocean and form part of the Global Climate Observation System / Global Ocean Observation System (GCOS/GOOS).

This network has a fleet of robotic differentiators that spend most of their useful life in the depths and regularly come to the surface to take measurements of temperature, salinity and speed. When the buoys come to the surface they transmit collected information via satellite.

IMEDEA is participating in this international project through the launch of one of these ARGO buoys in the waters off Cabrera, which is currently sending information on the Balearic Sea periodically and continually, every ten days, to the CORIOLIS Operational Oceanography centre.



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Benjamin Casas
Maurici Ruiz
Toni Jordi